Active Item

The active item is a way to designate or determine which element on paper is being acted on. This is an abstract concept: it could mean whatever is necessary for your diagram to function effectively. A simple example would be in the Mouse Events Plugin, where the active item is whichever element has been clicked. This section will discuss some of the uses for active items. See the Paper API for details on the get active item and update active item methods.


interface IActiveItem {
  elementType: ElementType;
  id: string;
  isSelected: boolean;
  [key: string]: any;

elementType - ElementType

This property helps to narrow down the active item. IDs must be unique across all Nodes or Edges, but there may be duplicate IDs between Nodes and Edges. Therefore, defining the elementType and id together helps to determine which item is active.

enum ElementType {
  Paper = 'paper',
  Node = 'node',
  Edge = 'edge',

The element type is added to the Paper, all Nodes and all Edges automatically (by the Base Node and Base Edge). It indicates which of the types of elements within Psiagram are active.

id - string

As mentioned above, the id property used in conjunction with elementType allows you to specify a single element as the active item.

isSelected - boolean

This is used for every active item. It shows if an item is in a selected state. Not every active item is selected; for example, in the Mouse Events Plugin, when you click on an item to begin dragging it, it does not immediately become selected, so when setting the active item this should be false. However, upon releasing the item, it becomes true as the item is now selected.

Additional properties - any

Any additional properties can be added to the active item object. This can be useful for adding plugin-specific properties to whichever item is active. One example is in the Mouse Events Plugin, where an isMoving boolean is added in order to determine if an active item is in a moving state.

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