Routing Plugin

NPM Version

The Routing Plugin provides solutions for enhancing the routing of your Edges as they connect Nodes or points.

Manhattan Routing

Manhattan Routing causes Edges to connect Nodes using only 90 degree angles, and some basic rules around how to connect them. This can improve the appearance of workflow-style diagrams, where the straight-line connections may appear cluttered.

ManhattanRouting Properties

Here is the Manhattan Routing Properties interface defined in TypeScript:

export interface IManhattanRoutingProperties {
  minimumEdgeExtension?: number;

This defines the shape of the object that must be given to initialize Manhattan Routing. Let's take a look into what each of those potential properties mean.

minimumEdgeExtension (optional) - number

This is the minimum amount that the Edge will extend out of any Nodes before it takes a 90 degree turn. This avoids the Edge turning instantly out of the Node, causing it to appear to come from the corner. The default is 20.


Now that you have an idea of building a Manhattan Routing Properties object, let's look at initializing a Manhattan Routing instance.

import { ManhattanRouting } from 'psiagram-plugin-routing';

const myPaper = new Paper({
  height: 900,
  width: 1300,
  plugins: [new ManhattanRouting({ minimumEdgeExtension: 40 })],

Keep in mind you can simply initialize it with nothing to get the default values.

import { ManhattanRouting } from 'psiagram-plugin-routing';

const myPaper = new Paper({
  height: 900,
  width: 1300,
  plugins: [new ManhattanRouting()],

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